Nice Tweets To Post On Twitter
Looking for nice tweets to post on Twitter? Wondering what the best tweet for Twitter actually is? Struggling to craft good tweets that grow your Twitter followers, engagement and reach? You're not alone! It can take a while to find your groove on Twitter. Although Twitter is constantly changing -- there are some tweet types that are classic and stand the test of time. They are good tweets that build rapport and highlight your personality. I've listed 13 of these tweets below -- and I've included a template for each one (for you to copy). If you are new to Twitter, you can experiment with these classic tweets and the endless variations you can create with them. We hope you find these helpful as you grow your Twitter audience! This trend is becoming increasingly popular on Twitter. When you go to and type in any hashtag -- you'll see photos before you see any of the tweets. By creating an image (in Canva for example) and tweeting it with a popular hashtag from your niche, you have an opportunity to show up in that prime real estate at the top of that Twitter hashtag search. If you happen to be in the Post Planner app when you're doing this, it's super easy since the app is integrated with Canva. Simply click on the Canva logo and you can do all this directly from the Post Planner app. If you aren't in the Post Planner app when you're doing this -- no worries. It's still simple (you just won't be able to re-queue your quote to post again later without being in the app). Just go to, select layout, drop your quote in, and then share it! In this example, I did one for fun so I used the Twitter hashtag -- but if you're using quote tweets to build your brand, I recommend being strategic about the hashtag you use. Remember to keep your quote short enough to fit easily into 140 characters (or type only a portion of the quote in the body of the tweet and use ellipses). Quote tweets do not bring the same engagement when you abbreviate words in the body of the tweet. "Your Own Quote Goes Here" #hashtag [Don't forget to include the image you made in Canva] When creating your quote, try to think of something your audience will relate to. You want your followers to think, "I know exactly how she feels" when they see your quote. Back in 2013 when Twitter first made it possible to view line breaks in tweets, a lot of people thought it was annoying. Fast forward to 2015 -- and all the cool kids are tweeting multi-line tweets every now and then. You'd be surprised how much creativity can be squeezed into a multi-line tweet. Try it! It's addicting. It's fun. It's effective. I wrote this haiku because Twitter has line breaks no other reason You can type anything. Keep it short. Use the enter key to make a line break. Don't forget your hashtag. Include a pic if you have enough characters Be careful not to make your multi-line tweets too long. Mobile users (which is basically everyone) might find that annoying. Current event tweets work well for a couple reasons... They show your audience you keep up-to-date about what's going on (which over time can increase your influence). Plus -- they allow you to take advantage of the popular hashtags for current events. Be sure to research the hashtags so you can include them in your tweets! Another type of current event tweet which is great for increasing engagement is the tweet that celebrates the special days on the calendar each month. For example -- #NationalCoffeeDay was huge on Twitter and Instagram about a week ago. If you are in the Post Planner app -- the work is already done for you. Click on Status Ideas -- then click on a season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter). You'll see relevant dates listed, along with witty status updates for you. Easy peasy! Type your comment about the current event. #wellresearchedhashtag #wellresearchedhashag [Pic] Fit up to 4 pics into this tweet - you'll use the same number of characters whether you use 1 or 4 pics. If you're using the Post Planner app, you'll only need to add your hashtag and a pic. Gifs and Vines on Twitter are so much fun -- and when they're relevant -- they almost always spawn engagement. More good news -- they are both easy to make. Vines are pretty self-explanatory, but a lot of people think you have to be a high tech wizard to create your own gifs. Guess what? You don't. I use to make mine -- and they always turn out fabulous. If you create an account on the site, they will remove the watermark from your gifs so you can really make them personalized. I like because it allows me to make a gif in seconds from a picture, YouTube, the videos on my phone and even my webcam. And, it's all free. BUT... You don't have to make your own gifs to use them to your advantage. Here are 2 examples -- 1 gif I made, 1 gif I didn't. They both created a buzz. Type a comment about the gif as it applies to your life. #hashtag [Don't forget to attach the gif!] For my audience, I've found that food gifs, Twitter gifs and holiday gifs always bring the most engagement. Questions are an effective way to spark engagement in your Twitter stream! These work especially well when the topic of the question is something your audience is interested in (your niche). Or when the question is just plain funny. People love to give their opinion, especially on Twitter! In order to squeeze the most effectiveness and engagement out of a question tweet, be sure you are there to engage with your followers when they answer. If you are in the Post Planner app, coming up with intriguing questions is a no brainer. Just click on Status Ideas -- then click on Questions. There are thousands of questions in there for you to choose from! Type your question. #hashtag [add a pic if it applies] If you're using the Post Planner app, you'll only need to add your hashtag and a pic (if a pic even applies here). There are some people and brands that only self-promote on social media. IMHO -- that is the fastest way to torpedo your online reputation. But for those who give as much as they receive on social media... It's a COMPLETELY different story. As @MarshaCollier says, "You're not real if you don't suck at something." So be honest, be transparent, admit when you're wrong, giveback to the social media community -- and when you accomplish something you're proud of -- be openly PROUD! (no humble brag required) Type your tweet (choose your words carefully) #hashtag [Pic] Number 6 above brings me to my next point... There is nothing wrong with promoting your own blog posts on Twitter! As a matter of fact -- Twitter is an effective communication tool for you and your blog readers. There are just 2 things to keep in mind when tweeting your own posts... First -- be sure it's high quality with a kickass headline if you want to stand out and earn clicks from Twitter. There is a ton of excellent content promoted on Twitter -- and lukewarm content is considered noise. Next -- remember the golden rule on Twitter. If you want other people to share your content -- you need to share content from others. Show people that you are a valuable part of the community! Article Headline - LINK #hashtag [Pic] You can tweet your posts several times yet still keep them fresh by switching up the headline in your tweets each time. For example -- pull a powerful quote from your post and tweet it with the same link, different picture. Or... Change up the tweet headline and make it funky for Twitter. Or... Rework it into a question (again with the same link) and add an even different picture. The options are endless! As we just pointed out above -- it's important to share the love on Twitter. Contribute to the community -- and that includes sharing posts that you find valuable. If have room in these types of tweets, I recommend including the username of the author and the blog it's published on if you can fit it all in there. It's a Twitter good practice to promote others and give credit in tweets! Article Headline (by @username on @username) - LINK #hashtag [Pic] If you are in the Post Planner app -- this whole process is simplified. The images associated with the top content automatically populate. You just choose which one you like -- and it will be positioned perfectly in your tweet. The only thing you need to do is add any usernames and a hashtag or 2! Most jokes are bad, right? Maybe it's just that most of MY jokes are bad. It's hard to translate offline humor into online humor -- and I have an enormous amount of respect for anyone who can pull it off. If you can make people laugh in 140 characters or less -- you've found water in the middle of the desert. Some tweeps, like @LindaInDisguise, make it look easy. Tweet after tweet...she flaunts her witty skills (she's a writer for hire). Over 12,000 followers is proof that her online formula for humor is working. If you can learn how to be humorous on Twitter -- you will differentiate yourself in the sea of boring tweets. If you are like me (and you have no joke-creating skills) -- you can discover joke content in a few different places. Look up a good joke online. Look in one of those funny (dusty) books on your bookshelf. Look in your spam inbox (I can always find a joke in my email). Or, again, if you are in the Post Planner app -- this will all be extra easy for you. Click on Viral Photos, then click on Funny Photos. It just so happens that many of the Funny Photos also happen to be text images (like quotes). This brings even more engagement since people love to comment on funny pics and quotes. Type the joke #hashtag via @username If you are using the Post Planner app -- the app does all the heavy lifting for you so this is even easier. If you found the joke on the original Twitter page of the person who created the joke -- I recommend using the Twitter retweet button. That way -- it shows you respect that artist's work (jokes) -- and you give all retweets/favorites to that person. Tweets about Twitter are some of the most successful, effective tweets you'll see in your stream. I learned that in July of 2009 when I wrote my first Twitter post. The interest on Twitter in posts about Twitter has never died! How to Get More #Twitter Followers: The #Startups Guide (by @AhnaHendrix) ~ via @sushant_sarak Finding fresh Twitter content when you're in the Post Planner app is super easy. Just click on Top Content -- then type Twitter into the search field. Watch the whole Twitter world will open up to you! Article Headline (by @username on @username) - LINK #hashtag [Pic] If you are a new blogger, I highly recommend you write about Twitter! It's a very engaging topic, and one that all of us are interested in learning more about. Who doesn't like trivia? Everyone I know loves it. I always lose when playing Trivial Pursuit -- but anyone can win with trivia on Twitter. Just follow any one of dozens of popular trivia Twitter accounts to discover facts that will twist your brain. If you are in the Post Planner app, you'll have no shortage of trivia to tweets. Just click on Status Ideas -- then click on Trivia. Did you know slugs have 4 noses? I didn't. Type the interesting fact. #hashtag [If the trivia resonates with your audience, a pic isn't even necesary] Keep your trivia tweet short and sweet. I'm not sure why -- but the trivia tweets I've seen that get the best engagement are less than 100 characters. There is no question that tweets with high quality images do well. That's no surprise to anyone. So...take advantage of that! Whether you are sharing an Instagram post -- or any other image -- make it stunning. In other words -- make it stand out. Take pictures of things that other people don't notice. Develop a photographer's eye for beauty -- and share your passion with your audience. Once again, if you happen to be in the Post Planner app, finding gorgeous photos to tweet is easy! Just go to Viral Photos and select which ones you like. WARNING: You might lose track of time while you're going through all the beautiful pictures! (I could spend all day looking at them) Remember that your followers are people from all over the world. What might seem ordinary to you in a photo could be fascinating to someone else. Think about all the creative photos you've seen on social media over the years. Use your imagination! You didn't think we'd forget about the classic selfie, did you? That's right -- selfies aren't just for Instagram. If you want to capture the most engagement out of your selfies -- don't tweet them often. That's right! The more selfies you tweet, the less engagement you'll get for each one. You can play around with it and do your own testing to find the right balance for you. I only tweet selfies about once a month -- but I recommend tweeting them more often than that. Either way -- your followers want to see your smiling face! They want to know you're human. So snap away -- in the mirror -- in the bathroom (that's what I do). Type something genuine that you're feeling in the moment you took your selfie. #hashtags It's not easy to look good in selfies (at least for me). The reason I like taking selfies in the bathroom is because the lighting is so good. Make it easy on yourself and read this post: 10 Time-Tested Selfie Ideas That Will Make Your Look GOOOOD I hope these tweet ideas give you a whole new perspective on Twitter! Sometimes all you need are a few good tweets to set you off in the right direction. Keep in mind -- you can get some real traction on tweets if you use a strategic hashtag. To learn more about that, read How a Little Hashtag Research Can Really Can CRANK UP Your Content Marketing. If you have any questions at all -- please know you can always reach out to me by leaving a comment below. Best of luck with your tweets!
13 Super Nice Tweets to Post on Twitter (with Tweet Templates)
1. Create Your Own Quote Tweets
Tweet Template:
2. Multi-Line Tweets
Tweet Template:
3. Current Event Tweets
Tweet Template:
4. Gif and Vine Tweets
Tweet Template:
5. Question Tweets
Tweet Template:
6. Self-Promotion Tweets (but not the shameless kind)
Tweet Template:
It's always nice to add a 'thank you' when you are sending a tweet about something you're proud of accomplishing. 7. Your Own Blog Posts
Tweet Template:
8. Other People's Blog Posts
Tweet Template:
9. Joke Tweets (but NOT the suckworthy ones)
Tweet Template:
10. Twitter Tweets
Tweet Template:
11. Interesting Trivia Tweets
Tweet Template:
12. High Quality Photo Tweets
Tweet Template:
Type something short and interesting about your photo. #hashtag (Instagram link is optional) Tip:
13. Classic Selfie Tweets
Tweet Template:
Final Thoughts
Nice Tweets To Post On Twitter
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