
How To Submit Music Videos To Blogs

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Music blogs are a brilliant way to get your voice and music heard. So, which are the best blogs to submit your songs to and what are your chances of being featured?

Where can you post your music online to get noticed? Whether you play indie music, hip-hop, or just want to get recognition from A&R, submitting your music to a blog is an easy step to being noticed.

Looking to submit your music to a music blog? This article we'll got through the top 13 music blogs, with our guide to the pros and cons of each.

Music blogs that want your music

A question that we get asked a lot is: how can I get my music heard by record labels for free? The answer is that music blogs are a great and effective way to do this.

Submit music to blogs for free

These sites below are all pretty much free, two of the sites ask for a charge that is around 50p, however this gets you written feedback, and guarantees that they will listen to at least a minute of your song and reply within 48 hours.

This all seems like a very fair trade off for less than the cost of a stamp, AND your money back if this isn't achieved! Make sure to read on to see where you want you submit your music…

#1 A&R Factory

What are the best music blogs in the industry

To kick it off, and rightfully so, A&R Factory was nominated one of the Top 10 blogs in the UK, and Top 100 worldwide! Their site claims that their readership includes: record labels, publishers, management companies, radio stations, PR and sync companies.

A&R Factory is a multi-genre blog, open accepting submissions for most music genres. It's easy to apply just head over to their site and submit a link from SoundCloud/YouTube/Spotify/etc.

Pros & cons:

  • They're a large platform and one of the top 10 UK music blogs.
  • They accept a wide variety of genres.
  • It's easy to submit, (paid music services not required.
  • As it's so big, it may be hard to be noticed.
  • They're so popular that they may not be able to get through all submissions.
  • You can link your music, but you have to submit one track.

#2 High Clouds

High clouds is a music blog, started in Belgium that labels itself the "Music Junkies Holy Bible". They do album features as well as articles on new and upcoming artists.

Their submission is simple and goes through two platforms. SubmitHub, which is used for singles or a music video, and HumanHuman is used for EP/LP submissions. The benefit of using SubmitHub is that you get a response in no more than 48 hours with at least 10 words of feedback, and on HumanHuman you are publishing to a community of tastemakers, consisting of music bloggers, A&Rs, radio professionals, festival organisers, and more.

HighClouds also picks one weekly album randomly and writes a feature about it which will stay on the main page of their site for at least 5 days.

You do have to pay for your submission, but it's 50 cents (around 50p), and if your song is not used or featured, this credit is refunded back to you, more info at their submission page.

Pros & cons:

  • It's easy to submit songs, videos, LP's and EP's.
  • There's a random EP featured weekly.
  • They have a great community of many different types of people.
  • There's a cost to apply, even though it's only 50 pence.
  • Their Belgian site may attract more interest from people outside of the UK, which won't necessarily help ticket sales, but it will get your music heard.

Indie music blogs

#3 Indie Shuffle

Indie Shuffle is a great no-nonsense blog that posts new music, it even has its own phone apps which can massively help with exposure. The main genres that they advocate are Indie Rock, Hip-Hop, Electronic, and all the subgenres that come under those.

Alike High Clouds, Indie Shuffle uses SubmitHub (Jason Grishkoff, who created Indie Shuffle also created SubmitHub) and you can find their page here.

Indie Shuffle has a Best New Songs section and each track has a 'sounds like' which helps to find music like what you enjoy, there's even a 'Best of each month' playlist provided.

Another great feature of Indie Shuffle is the random songs option, so even if you're not featured on the best rated, your music will still be heard on the random selection.

Pros & cons:

  • From the creator of SubmitHub, which means that is perfectly utilised.
  • It's more of a niche market for genres, so if your music falls under these genres, you get a more targeted audience.
  • The Random Music page means that you are always in with a chance of getting heard, even starting out.
  • They offer a mobile phone app.
  • They accept free submissions.
  • Not all genres are published, so if you don't fall into one of these genres, you're more unlikely to be picked.

#4 This Song is Sick

This Song is Sick works with "musicians and record labels from all over the world to showcase a variety of the freshest electronic, hip-hop, indie, and alternative music to a global following that is comprised of millions of music lovers in over 110 countries".

Its submission is purely through SoundCloud, which of course is free. They have an option for Exclusive/Premiere if you haven't uploaded to any blogs yet, but they do also take regular submissions, just follow the step-by-step process that you can get to here.

You also get the chance to feature on one of their SoundCloud playlists, which boasts nearly 770,000 subscriptions.

Pros & cons:

  • It's free and easy to upload with SoundCloud.
  • They have listeners in 110 Countries.
  • Your submission could be featured in a playlist with exposure to almost 770,000 subscribers.
  • They prefer exclusivity, so if you have posted elsewhere you won't get as much support, but your music could still feature.

#5 Stereofox

Stereofox is a blog that has recommendations, interviews, album reviews, artist mixes, and live footage of artists. They upload content that they like to YouTube, Soundcloud, and Spotify and the genres that they include are: R&B, Indie Electronic, Instrumental, Neo-Soul, Downtempo.

Stereofox is a great blog to get your music onto but is also not as straightforward to submit to, but if you go to their contact page, they do use SubmitHub and you can find their page here.

They also explicitly express: "No straight-up pop, autotunes, EDM, really hardcore trap. As vague as it may sound – no extremes in those genres."

Pros & cons:

  • They're a great blog with loads of music.
  • They use SubmitHub and have a great rating, publishing most approved submissions.
  • It's a very professional site, which can help with exposure.
  • "No straight-up pop, autotunes, EDM, really hardcore trap. As vague as it may sound no extremes in those genres" – Make sure your music doesn't fall into one of these categories.
  • Doesn't accept free submissions (although this is only 50 cent – 1 dollar – less than £1).

Electronic music blogs

electronic music blog submission

#6 Dope Cause We Said

Dope Cause we Said is a really cool blog that says they are looking for DOPE Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, RnB/Soul, Americana/Folk, and Electronic Music, although a quick scan of the homepage showed rock, jazz, and other genres too.

They post to their own site, social media, youtube, and have playlists on Soundcloud and Spotify. Submissions are done simply with a form attached to an email (more info on this can be found here) and they don't accept anything that is older than one month, this keeps all their material super fresh.

One of the most interesting and different things about Dope, is that if you have a new EP, Mixtape or Album, then you can send them a press release that they will put on their site, and if you get in contact and email them with the release date, they even agree a 'Site Takeover' for your release which is brilliant!

Pros & cons:

  • It's easy and free to submit to, from Soundcloud/Bandcamp/Audiomack/Spotify embedded links of your songs and YouTube/Vimeo links for videos.
  • Having nothing older than a month keeps music really fresh.
  • Site Take over and press releases can get your new music great interest.
  • No music over a month old greatly reduces the content that you can submit.
  • Due to submission via email, it may take a longer time for you to be uploaded.

#7 Xune Mag

Xune Mag is an online magazine with the sole aim of uncovering independent, and emerging artists across the world and they do exactly what it says on the tin! Xune features new and upcoming artists, release album/EP/mixtape reviews, and do interviews with upcoming artists.

It's easy to find out how to submit music just head over to their site, you may need to like or share the Facebook page or share Xune Mag on Twitter, but they then ask that all music and press releases should be emailed to them.

Xune Mag also offers a guaranteed placement feature with a £30 donation, which is towards supporting independent music.

Pros & cons:

  • They post interviews, music reviews, live performance reviews on upcoming artists.
  • All genres of music welcomed.
  • £30 donation guarantees you a feature, which in the long run could be worth a lot more to you than £30.
  • Due to high volumes, you cannot be guaranteed that your music is posted, or even listened to at all without donating.
  • They get such a high volume of posts MAY decrease your chances of being heard, though this could be a positive too, as more exposure.

Submit music for promotion

#8 Song Dew

rap music blogs

Song Dew is a great website to upload to as it has so many different opportunities that stem from uploading, a whole range from being shown on Songdew TV, a live online TV channel that's forever showing new music and new music videos, this is a great place if you want to submit a new music video.

The opportunities also include free promotion on multiple music radio station, free mixing/mastering, free digital marketing, help with licensing and even paid gig opportunities.

Their upload process, found here, is simple and intuitive and the site contains great tools to track your progress and performance, you upload the file raw so do not need it posted anywhere else like a lot of these sites.

Pros & cons:

  • The site and upload process is intuitive and easy to navigate.
  • They are full of opportunities to progress as an artist.
  • They take music from all countries and genres.
  • The majority of the music is Indian, and therefore this may not reach your UK target audiences as effectively as other blogs.
  • Not many gig opportunities in the UK.

#9 Keep Walking Music

Keep Walking Music (KWM) is a simplistic but effective site that welcomes press releases, and publishes new independent music. They state on their site that they are: "Dedicated to discovering and featuring exceptional artists that we feel deserve a platform in the public eye." and do this very well, with over 20,000 followers on Twitter.

You can submit your work either through HumanHuman, or directly to their site via a link for SoundCloud, YouTube, or Spotify with a quick form, all found here. They say that if you want to submit an EP, first submit your best track. KWM feature premiers on new songs, a review of the song, along with the music video should you provide one, they also review Albums, EP's and Events.

Keep Walking Music is great because it features Artists to Watch out for, which is a perfect opportunity to get some recognition as a new and upcoming artist.

Pros & cons:

  • A simple submission process, so you can upload directly to the site only. requiring an online link (from any online streaming service).
  • Reviews new artists, albums, EP's, tracks and events.
  • Artist to look out for offers an opportunity to be featured on the main site.
  • They don't have any mixes or playlists of similar music, which could promote you to people who enjoy artists like you.

Submit your music to hip-hop blogs

hip hop blog submission service

#10 The Word is Bond

The Word is Bond is one of the best hip-hop blogs around for up and coming artists, but that's it's main shortcoming… It's almost exclusively hip-hop (Disclaimer: Bond accepts other genres too, but mostly sub-genres of hip hop or similar genres like blues, funk and its whole own section for jazz).

The Word is Bond is brilliant for Hip-Hop artists! Daily, Bond shares new music and videos, and also features competitions, best of the year, and also drop on a classic which talks about classic tunes. Music submissions are done straight through their website.

Pros & cons:

  • It's a cool and 'hip' site, which is great for hip-hop or similar genres.
  • The blog has videos and podcasts which you can then be featured in.
  • Their aim is "Uniting Hip-Hops underground" which is perfect for an up and coming hip hop artist.
  • However, the aim of the site being around Hip-Hop proves that their motivation to show other genres isn't as much as other blogs.
  • There's lots of hip-hop news about established artists which, whilst bringing more exposure to the site, takes away some of the focus on new music.

#11 Gorilla vs Bear

Saving one of the best until last, Gorilla vs Bear is a Texas-based blog that has been labelled "Influential" by NewsWeek, "One of the best Music Blogs" by the Rolling Stone and one the "25 Best Music Websites" by the Independent UK.

GvsB is a hub for new music, and to be featured on here would be a massive step in the right direction, not to mention that many stars including Tyler the Creator have stated it's one of their favourite blogs. Submissions are to be emailed, but there's not too much direction on their submission guidelines.

Pros & cons:

  • They're recognised as one of the best music blogs by many, many reputable sources.
  • An award-winning radio show weekly on SiriusXM Satellite Radio featuring New Music.
  • Submissions are via email on such a big platform may mean that you never get heard.
  • They post a range of already established artists new music, which helps them get the name that they deserve, but also takes attention away from smaller unsigned artists.

Check out their top songs for 2020:

What if my music is already doing well, and I am on Spotify but I still want to gain more exposure?

For this, many of the above blogs may still be very helpful, but also take a look into these two below.

Indie music blogs to submit to

#12 Indie Mono

Indie Mono is a self-professed "Indie Curators of Spotify Playlists" and that's exactly what they do. Submitting music is simple, head over to their submission page, then you select a 'box' that your music best fits into.

The boxes are shown above, and after submitted, they will look through, and if approved add your music to one of their hundreds of Spotify playlists, check out a list here.

IndieMono's top playlist is Sad Songs so if that's what you write, make sure to submit to the sad/love box.

Pros & cons:

  • The playlists combine known artists with up-and-coming.
  • They have a giant range of playlists for any time or mood.
  • You have to have music uploaded to Spotify, and usually need to be somewhat established.
  • Certain playlist have under 100 subscribers so may not get you that much more exposure.

#13 SoundPlate

indie music blogs to submit to

Another similar Spotify playlist curator is Soundplate, their most popular being Selected : Soundplate. What's different about Soundplate is that you chose the playlist from their site, which you are able to search through, and then submit directly to that playlist.

With this in mind, research the sort of playlist that you would like to be featured in beforehand, and why not check out Spotify to see just how popular that playlist is. Soundplate advertises itself not only as a music platform, but also a record label, so from your submission, you may just get more than you bargained for and obtain a contract.

Their website also contains lots of helpful tips and articles as well as news stories. Some examples of some of their playlists are below.

Pros & cons:

  • There are so many playlists to choose from to submit your music to.
  • The opportunity to be signed to their label, Soundplate Records.
  • Having to choose the playlist to submit to can limit you as it may be hard to pick the right playlist.
  • You have to have music uploaded to Spotify.

How do I get on to Spotify?

If you want your music heard, a great way is by publishing to Spotify. For more information on how to do this, check out our guide here.

What's that green sign?

This logo means that it is a blog that feeds to Hype Machine, which is a site that combines 665 music sites to help find the most popular Individual music and up and coming artists.

For more on Hype Machine, see our article on the 23 best music blogs for new artists.

Ready to submit your music to a Blog?

Now it's your turn to Submit! If you're an aspiring artist, DJ, band, collective, or just someone who makes music and wants to see what people think of it, then there's no time better than the current so get submitting! Once you've submitted, leave us a comment in the section below letting us know which site you went for and how you get on!

Have you submitted music to a blog before? Let us know how you get on in the comments below.

How To Submit Music Videos To Blogs


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