
How To Say Kill Yourself In Spanish

Editor'southward note: If y'all experience suicidal thoughts or have lost someone to suicide, the following post could exist potentially triggering. You lot can contact the Crisis Text Line by texting "START" to 741-741.

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Ofttimes, when someone is feeling suicidal, they won't come correct out and say information technology. Some may hint at what they are feeling, hoping others pick up on the clues. Others may use language that means "I'thou suicidal" without really saying the words — because saying them can sometimes make it experience too existent, or you might be afraid of how others volition react.

No matter what reason someone has for using "code words," it's important nosotros talk about what kinds of phrases to look out for. Talking most these phrases tin aid us identify loved ones who are really struggling and get them to the resources and support they need.

To find out what people said when they were feeling suicidal, nosotros asked members of our Mighty customs who have been suicidal to share one thing they said that was really code for "I'm suicidal."

Hither'southward what our community shared with u.s.a.:

1. "I'm just tired."

"Not physically tired, only emotionally. I'm just exhausted." — Sonja R.

"About of us hide our feelings and won't ever say anything. We just endeavor to slumber because those are the only couple hours our minds go residuum before we terminate up exhausted once again fighting demons inside us." — Lucy O.

"I always hid all my feelings, from anyone and everyone, so I told them I was fine but existence 'just tired' meant tired of life, the constant symptoms of mental illness and myself." — Amy Due west.

2. "I just desire to be done."

"That's a common i of mine. Or I would/will brand 'jokes' saying something similar, 'Oh wait, a cliff. I'll be correct back." Things like that only become an uncomfortable chuckle in response though." — Tabitha A.

"[This] gets understood as wanting how I'thousand feeling at that point to exist over, [when] I'm actually talking near life itself." — Jamie G.

3. "I just desire to sleep."

"Innocent enough, simply deep down, information technology was a cry for help." — Josie S.

4. "I can't proceed doing this."

"They think I mean whatever stressor I'chiliad dealing with, they don't realize information technology's life I feel like I can't do any more." — Jessica E.

five. "I but want to be lonely."

"When I don't desire to share with those closest to me, I say 'I simply want to be alone.' That argument is huge for me considering I literally never want to be alone." — Nicole P.

"Distressing to say I still say this. I bottle upward my feelings and I barely weep unless I'm and so pissed off." — MaKayla D.

"Repeating, 'I want to be solitary' over and over. Losing interest in things I beloved ever should be a sign to others I am non treatment myself well." — Helen P.

A banner promoting The Mighty's new Self-Care Lounge group on The Mighty mobile app. The banner reads, Taking care of yourself is important, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Join the Self-Care Lounge group so you can prioritize you. Click to join.

vi. "I want to become abode."

" I used to always say 'I want to go home.' Life felt and then meaningless and difficult that nowhere felt familiar, nowhere felt similar abode. The idea of going home or being at habitation was so unattainable that 'home' became an thought I merely couldn't reach, and in my most distressing moments, I wanted aught more than to get habitation, or to only end to be." — Gabby W.

"I want to get home. Like habitation is an unattainable matter that can never be reached." — Jesse C.

" I've said, 'I desire to become domicile' or make 'lighthearted' jokes nigh information technology. Something like, if they ask if they can practise annihilation I'll exist like, 'Y'all could run me over with a machine, haha JK!" — Violet S.

7. "If annihilation happens to me, promise to have intendance of…"

"For me it's 'If anything happens to me, promise to take care of my animals.'" — Liz A.

8. "I'thou just stressed out."

"I've been getting amend handling my depression and anxiety through work. My job is like my therapy considering I tin focus on the task at mitt and non about the negatives things going on in my life. My girl is as well helping me realize she has ameliorate chance at a happier life with me being around than she would if I was gone." — Stephanie F.

9. "I'thou having a hard time."

"'I'm having a hard time.' Merely by and large I'm silent, and that's what concerns me and others." — Diane P.

10. "No one cares."

"I feel like I'thou an afterthought to everybody… I feel similar I've said those words and then many times, sometimes information technology's a daily struggle to hold myself together." — Amanda O.

11. "I don't intendance."

"What you're hearing is that I'chiliad callous and blah, just what I'm saying is I'm completely consumed by suicidal thoughts and don't have the mental energy to spare for other things." — Robi K.

"Saying 'I don't care' a lot. But nobody notices." — Shayna G.

12. "What volition heaven be like?"

"At the time when I was dealing with suicidal thoughts, I was very religious, and I would oft engage people at my church in conversations about heaven — what nosotros thought it might exist like, how much better it would exist than here and how much I wanted to be at that place. My church didn't believe that suicide was an automatic ticket to hell, then thinking almost heaven was equivalent to me thinking well-nigh how much better off I would be if I were expressionless. My beliefs are quite unlike at present, just themes of a possible afterlife could definitely be a warning sign." — Heather South.

"[I said], ' Soon I'll exist home with my Heavenly Begetter.'" — Sienna Chiliad.

thirteen. "I should just kill myself."

"Me joking about me killing myself in any way is honestly a red flag for when I feel similar I want to dice… And while I'grand mostly joking, it'south also a code for how much I want to be expressionless." — Caleb W.

"In general making jokes most dying or being suicidal. Sometimes they know I'm serious because people know me well enough, simply sometimes non." —Helena T.

14. "I tin can't imagine living the rest of my life like this."

"Most people don't get the seriousness backside it. When I say I literally tin't meet past all the problems. It's hard to recall that depression and feet are something I have to alive with every day for the rest of my life. I merely hope to detect better means of coping and dealing with it." — Megan N.

15. "I feel and then much meliorate."

"'I feel so much better.' If y'all know someone who is depressed and they suddenly start making statements like this, they [may] have decided to dice…" — Stephu C.

sixteen. "Yous know I love you, right?"

"My beau has talked me out of suicide several times because he knows when I say those words, it'southward bad. It'due south my subtle cry for assist without saying, 'I want to dice.'" — Maya P.

" I recall one twenty-four hours where I was merely then emotional of the fact that [suicide loss survivors] never get their last goodbye. They're always left with, 'I just want to tell them I love them one last time,' and so I did exactly that. I spent a whole calendar week with a specific member of my family each 24-hour interval. I talked with all my friends on the phone, told them how much I loved and appreciated them. Most of the guys were a lilliputian uneasy but appreciated it all the same. Then on the last solar day of the week, I stayed up talking with my all-time friend and told him how much I loved him. He was the only ane [who] caught on. He spent the entire nighttime talking me through all of my emotions and giving me motivation to hang on. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for him, he'southward the all-time I could ask for." — Nic R.

17. "I want to disappear."

"'I but feel like disappearing' when I mean I desire to end this suffering." — Amanda L.

"I wonder what it would be like if I could just disappear… Would anyone find?" — Cora C.

18. "I desire to tell you something. Oh, never mind."

submitted by Emma M.

19. " I don't know."

"'I don't know' is sometimes code for, 'I haven't idea that far because the first matter my brain jumps to is ending my life.'" — Nick B.

20. "I'k not feeling practiced."

"My grandma is the i who always supports me, through anything. So when I get these suicidal thoughts, and begin to fall down into deeper state of low I would say, 'I'k not feeling good.' Merely her being a female parent, she e'er knew and would comfort me and give me space. It's really only her who knows, but my close friends don't know it's a silent weep for help." — Alex S.

21. "I don't think I'll be at school adjacent week."

"I said to my friend, 'I don't recollect I will come back to school next week. She asked why. I just said, 'Considering I just don't desire to do information technology anymore. I had been planning to [endeavor] suicide that weekend, I had it all planned out. And then I plant out I was pregnant with my son. He literally saved my life. He is 5 years old at present and started school this year." — Katy M.

If someone makes a annotate you are concerned nearly, the best thing y'all can practice is ask them directly, "Are you feeling suicidal?" Contrary to popular myth, request this question direct will not encourage a suicide endeavor or put the idea in their caput. Opening up the chat in a nonjudgmental way can give them the opportunity to talk about it.

If y'all or someone you know needs help, visit our suicide prevention resources folio.

If you need support correct now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at i-800-273-8255 or text "Beginning" to 741-741 .

Thinkstock photo via Grandfailure


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